InterCEPT Enrollment

Enroll in InterCEPT
PLEASE NOTE: This enrollment form is for individuals who currently do not have access to ERAI.

If you are affiliated with a company that is an ERAI Member and have your login and password for the ERAI website, you are already enrolled in InterCEPT. Simply log in to the ERAI website and click on the "Training" tab where you can enroll in classes.

If you would like to register as an unaffiliated student, please complete the form below to enroll in the InterCEPT. You will not be asked to make any payments at the time of enrollment. After you enroll and log in to the InterCEPT System, you will be able to purchase and enroll in classes.

First Name

Last Name


Contact Phone

Address 1

Address 2:

City \State\Zip

How did you discover InterCEPT?
Company Name

Address 1

Address 2


Company Type

Company URL

Company Phone
Copyright notice:
The contents of InterCEPT are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. All materials used with permission of the copyright holders. All rights reserved.

Links notice:
Any links provided in InterCEPT trainings are provided for reference and do not represent support or endorsement of the information provided. ERAI does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information in the links.

Content Disclaimer:
No warranty of any kind is given with respect to the information provided by InterCEPT and ERAI. Any guidance in InterCEPT is provided for information only and does not guarantee that the user will not purchase or sell counterfeit goods.

By submitting the form I acknowledge I have read and accept the above terms and conditions

ERAI Training Program FAQ