ERAI Membership Requirements

Membership in ERAI is available to all companies in the electronics supply chain in the aerospace, defense, nuclear, medical and commercial sectors. ERAI’s member base ranges from distributors, equipment manufacturers and original component manufacturers to government and enforcement entities. Minimal requirements for suppliers include:

  • Applicant must submit a completed Enrollment Form.
  • The organization must have been in business for at least one year.
  • The organization must be a legitimate business entity legally licensed to do business in the state or country in which it is operating and registered (verification is required).
  • The organization must operate from a physical business location and may not list a PO Box, Mail Boxes Etc., virtual office or other third party address as its corporate headquarters.
  • The organization must provide a minimum of ten verifiable trade references.
  • The organization cannot have any unresolved complaints listed on the ERAI website or complaints pending at the time of application.
  • The organization must agree to notify ERAI of all business name changes, affiliations and changes of address.
  • Members must agree to keep their ERAI profile up-to-date.
  • The organization and/or its principals/employees must not be named on a government list which restricts, bans or limits trade with that company (US Bureau of Industry and Security, US Department of Commerce, System for Award Management Database (SAM), etc).
  • An organization whose owner(s), director(s) or management staff have been convicted of, pled guilty to, or admitted to participating in any illegal activity is ineligible for membership in ERAI.
  • Organizations located in Belarus, Burma, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela are ineligible for membership in ERAI.

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