Comprehensive Electronic Parts Supplier Risk Mitigation Plan

Supplier selection is a vital element in a comprehensive risk mitigation plan. In addition to verifying certifications, potential suppliers should be assessed on a regular basis using data from credible sources such as ERAI.

Procurements from suppliers that have a history of supplying counterfeit or nonconforming parts can easily be avoided using ERAI’s supplier tools:

  • Searchable Database of High-Risk Suppliers – Complaints lodged by companies in the electronics supply chain from members and non-members are thoroughly investigated, vetted and then placed into our database of high risk suppliers. A comprehensive search tool enables Members to search through thousands of records providing an indispensable supplier risk mitigation tool.

  • Real Time Complaint & Dispute Alerts – After a thorough investigation involving all parties in a complaint, the relevant details of an incident are published on the ERAI website. Members can opt to receive real-time email alerts whenever a new incident against a supplier is added.

  • For more information please contact an ERAI sales associate at (239) 261-6268 or e-mail

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